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Fig. 4 | Parasites & Vectors

Fig. 4

From: Trx4, a novel thioredoxin protein, is important for Toxoplasma gondii fitness

Fig. 4

Biotinylation of the proximity proteins associated with Trx4. a IFA showed that Trx4 fused with the TurboID-4Ty tag was localized in the PV and proximity proteins associated with Trx4 were labeled by Strep-594 when parasites were biotinylated with D-biotin. Green, mouse anti-Ty; red, streptavidin-Alexa Fluor 594 conjugate. Scale bar: 2 μm. b Western blotting confirmed that biotinylation of proximity proteins were stained with Strep-HRP when parasites were incubated with D-biotin. − biotin, parasites were not incubated by D-biotin; + biotin, parasites were incubated by D-biotin; Strep-HRP, streptavidin-horseradish peroxidase conjugate; Ty, mouse anti-Ty; ALD, rabbit anti-aldolase. c The pie chart depicts the percentage of biotinylated proteins identified as proximity proteins of Trx4, categorized based on their predicted localization from ToxoDB. (d) The table summarizes the top 10 hits from mass spectrometry based on the number of unique peptides identified. GWCS, phenotype score determined based on a genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 screening

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