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Fig. 5 | Parasites & Vectors

Fig. 5

From: kdr mutations and deltamethrin resistance in house flies in Abu Dhabi, UAE

Fig. 5

Genotyping of the house fly Musca domestica based on the kdr mutation L1014F using DNA sequencing. Sequences are aligned with the genomic reference sequence (GenBank accession number NW_026712250.1) using Unipro UGENE software. The chromatograms were viewed using SnapGene software ( The mutation occurs at position number 125581. Susceptible (SS) insects have the sequence CTT; heterozygous (RS) insects have the sequence YTT, where Y is C/T; and resistant homozygous (RR) insects have the sequence TTT. Chromatograms show a single peak in SS and RR genotypes and two peaks in RS genotypes at the kdr mutation position. kdr, Knockdown resistance; RR, homozygous resistant (kdr/kdr); RS, heterozygous (kdr/sus); SS, homozygous susceptible (sus/sus)

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