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Fig. 1 | Parasites & Vectors

Fig. 1

From: Differential associations of horizontally and vertically transmitted symbionts on Ixodes ricinus behaviour and physiology

Fig. 1

A Infection percentage of individual ticks with each of the 10 symbiont species. B Infection percentage of either vertically transmitted symbionts, horizontally transmitted symbionts or co-infection with a horizontally and a vertically transmitted symbiont. C Infection percentages of the number of horizontally and vertically transmitted symbionts combined per nymph. D Co-occurrence matrix of symbionts. Only significant co-occurrences are shown. Green and red colours indicate significant (P < 0.05) positive or negative co-occurrence of the symbiont species in ticks, respectively. The transmission mode is depicted as (V) vertically or (H) horizontally

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