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Fig. 1 | Parasites & Vectors

Fig. 1

From: The effects of DENV serotype competition and co-infection on viral kinetics in Wolbachia-infected and uninfected Aedes aegypti mosquitoes

Fig. 1

Mosquito susceptibility to DENV in co-infections by DPI, tissue, and line. Ae. aegypti were orally challenged with DENV-2 (orange) and DENV-3 (navy) simultaneously, whereby mosquitoes were fed a blood meal containing both viruses at ~ 3 × 105 DENV genome copies/ml. Mosquito tissues (midgut, carcass, and salivary glands) were collected at nine time points post-infection. DENV RNA load was determined via RT-qPCR using serotype-specific probes. Each bar represents the proportion of mosquitoes positive for either (orange or navy) or both (blue) serotypes for each day post-infection. Total number of mosquitoes screened per day was n = 7 for the wild-type line and n = 30 for wMel

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