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Fig. 1 | Parasites & Vectors

Fig. 1

From: Multicomponent LBSap vaccine displays immunological and parasitological profiles similar to those of Leish-Tec® and Leishmune® vaccines against visceral leishmaniasis

Fig. 1

Comparative antigenicity by immunoglobulin analysis (total IgG, IgG1, and IgG2a) in serum. The x-axis displays the times at which the assays were conducted (before first vaccination [BV], 15 days after third saline [15ASaline] or vaccination [15AVac] and 30 days after experimental L. infantum challenge [30AChal]) using the different analyzed groups (n = 5 mice/group in two independent batches) (Control [□]; Leish-Tec® []; Leishmune® []; and LBSap [killed L. braziliensis vaccine plus saponin; ■]). The y-axis represents the mean enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay absorbance values determined at 492 nm in serum samples diluted 1:40. The cut-off edge is demonstrated by the dotted line for total IgG (0.24), IgG1 (0.04) and IgG2a (0.11). Connecting lines represent significant intra-group differences (P < 0.05) at the different time points. Inter-group differences at the same time point are marked by letters (C: Control group, LT: Leish-Tec® group, LM: Leishmune® group, LB: LBSap group)

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