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Table 1 Mean tick counts and efficacy against ticks after single topical treatment with fluralaner spot-on solution

From: Prevention of transmission of Babesia canis by Dermacentor reticulatus ticks to dogs after topical administration of fluralaner spot-on solution

Day 4

Mean tick counts a (control/treated) (n)


Efficacy (%)

99.5 b

Day 30

Mean tick counts a (control/treated) (n)


Efficacy (%)

100 b

Day 58

Mean tick counts a (control/treated) (n)


Efficacy (%)

99.3 b

Day 72

Mean tick counts a (control/treated) (n)


Efficacy (%)

100 b

Day 86 c

Mean tick counts a (control/treated) (n)



Efficacy (%)

100 b

Day 90 c

Mean tick counts a (control/treated) (n)



Efficacy (%)

100 b

  1. aGeometric mean live attached ticks
  2. bLog-transformed counts of ticks from the treated group were significantly different (P < 0.0001) from log-transformed counts of the untreated control group
  3. cControl group: six dogs available for infestation, two dogs were tested positive for B. canis on day 85 and excluded, efficacy calculation based on four dogs